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Travel in the time of COVID-19 is not the same as travel a year ago. There are regulations and precautions that people need to take in order to travel safely and stay within government guidelines. Be sure that if you are traveling locally, you follow these tips.

Closer is Better

When traveling, it is a better idea to stay closer to home than to venture out to new locations. If you live in a rural area, try camping. If you live in a city, try a new neighborhood. Whatever you decide to do, it is going to be safer for everyone if you stay closer to home.

Keep Your Distance

Maintaining a six-foot distance between yourself and others can be difficult at times, but it is a requirement in many cities across the country. You should try to travel to places that allow you to keep a safe distance. Major cities, theme parks, and beaches are all expected to still have high numbers of visitors over the next few months. Instead, try going to a remote location, a small town, or a lake house.

Focus on Disconnecting

Many attractions are not going to be open for the foreseeable future, and some currently open attractions will close as a result of a COVID resurgence. Due to this, it may be a better idea to take a vacation that focuses on disconnecting from the world. You can catch up on sleep, get some reading done, or go for a walk each day. Activities that are not reliant on others will be the safest bet, even if there are options available.

Plan to Spend

Despite COVID lowering the cost of flights and hotels, there may be additional costs that come with traveling, even locally. You may need to pay to get food delivered, which adds some extra fees. You could also have to pay to get tested for COVID before and after traveling, which is not always free. You may also have to pay higher prices for attractions if they do not allow for full capacity.

Follow All Policies

Finally, and most importantly, you must follow all guidelines while traveling. That means wearing a mask when required, distancing yourself, and washing your hands thoroughly. You could take even the safest trip to a nearby, remote location and you could still contract COVID. It is important to limit your risk, as well as the risk of transmitting the disease to others.

COVID has changed our lives drastically, but you may still be able to travel locally with little fear of risk. Follow each of these tips to prepare for a great trip.

Author Bio: Shalu Chawla is a trained Quality Assurance professional and Business Analyst who writes her experiences with the sole purpose of sharing information from her knowledge or by referring to other good sites. You can know more about her by clicking on or You can also visit me in my other website on wellness by clicking on if interested in meditation or if interested in travel topics.